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A member registered Feb 21, 2021

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Early backer here - this was an amazingly fun game, very original journaling solo TTRPG.

Super :)

Well done Jan, love your games!

OCTIP est l'anagramme de PICTO! Au départ Jan Van Houten voulait écrire le mot PICTO a l'envers mais il s'est planté. Reste que les dessins, justement, sont superbes et permettent de guider notre imagination dans ce jeu génial ou le but est de récupérer les cristaux de pouvoir. Je crois.

English: OCTIP is the anagram of PICTO! Initially Jan Van Houten wanted to write PICTO reversed but he failed. This said, the art is just wonderful and will allow to guide your imagination in this terrific game where your goal will be to retrieve the crystals of power. I think. <3

J'adore. Bravo Jan!

Amazing job!

You're welcome bud! Take it easy

Dear Momatoes, you rock!

Hi may I also report three typos in the set of instructions that pops up when printing the material. "Glu" "mijiatures" and "cicle"